Orthodontics is very complex and there are many questions that may arise in relation to your treatment. We solve some of the most frequent ones, but feel free to ask us the answer to any questions you may have.
Is the treatment painful?
- Generally speaking, the treatment is completely painless. During the first days, the use of devices can cause some discomfort and annoyance, but once the habit is created, these disappear.
Do orthodontic braces hurt your teeth?
- Quite the opposite. The braces are the instrument that the orthodontist has to correct the bad bite. Thanks to its action it is possible to improve, not only the state of the teeth, but that of the gums and jaw bones. Proper brushing allows the orthodontic treatment to develop without problems for your teeth.
Why are permanent teeth sometimes extracted?
- Permanent teeth can be too big for the jawbones. Imagine that you have inherited large teeth from your father and small bones from your mother: all your teeth will not fit into the bones and therefore some may need to be removed in order to align them correctly. This will improve hygiene, occlusion and therefore the duration of these teeth. However, new facial aesthetic patterns, early treatment and the development of more powerful appliances have substantially reduced the percentage of cases in which permanent teeth are extracted.
How long does it take an ortodoncy treatment?
- The treatment is usually necessarily prolonged because the movement of the teeth must be smooth, leisurely and slow. However, the new state-of-the-art brackets and wires have substantially reduced the duration of treatment (from 3-6 months to 18-24 months on average). In any case, the duration will depend on the severity of the initial problem, the age of the individual, the devices used, the cooperation of the patient and, especially, the professional competence of the person performing it. There are even treatments that are done in several separate phases.